Personnel and social key figures

The content of this webpage includes information originally published as part of the company’s 2021 Annual and Sustainability Report, which has not been updated since such publication and, as a result, may no longer be up-to-date. Further, other content on this webpage may also be out-of-date.

Unless specified otherwise, the listed key figures relate to the Porsche AG Group (including subsidiaries).

1) Due to equal pay and the framework conditions, Porsche does not report the number of temporary employees separately.
2) Definition of full-time employee: full-time employees are all employees with a contractually agreed weekly working time of at least 35 hours. In the case of employees in production who are covered by the reduction of working hours under the Labour Market of the Future works agreement, the reduced working time as agreed is deemed to represent full-time employment. There are no seasonal variations in the size of the workforce.

1) Porsche’s reporting on employee turnover is not broken down by age group, gender and religion as this data is not of a material nature for the company and is not relevant for control purposes. The reported figure does not include temporary employment contracts, retirements or partial retirement arrangements.

1) The total number of employees entitled to parental leave cannot be determined because employees are not obliged to report a birth. The year for which the parental leave is recorded is the year in which the period of leave begins.
2) Due to the relatively long duration of parental leave or as a result of leave commencing late in the respective reporting year, not all employees have returned by the time of data collection. The return to work and retention rate cannot be calculated on an annual basis as employees who returned in a given year did not necessarily also begin their parental leave in that same calendar year.

Total no. of training programme participations

2021 210,611
2020 125,297
2019 107,294

1) Porsche does not make a distinction according to gender or between employees and workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is controlled by the organisation, and does not show the individual categories for work-related injuries (level of detail not material).
2) Porsche only reports accidents that were officially recorded. Non-serious injuries (minor accidents) are not reported. Accidents that do not result in lost days (calendar days) are classed as minor accidents.
3) Missed working days resulting from accidents reported in the reporting period are counted as lost days (usually Monday to Friday); the day of the accident itself is not included (≥ 1 lost calendar day).

1) Injury rate = accident frequency index: provides information on how frequently reported accidents have occurred within the company relative to the total hours worked. The calculation formula used is the number of reported work-related accidents multiplied by one million hours, divided by the number of hours worked.

Donations made in € million

2021 approx. 11.8
20201) approx. 21
2019 approx. 4.6

1) Of which, donations totalling 2 million euros in foundation assets for the Ferry Porsche Foundation.

Percentage spend with local suppliers by Porsche AG at main places of business1)

2021 97.0%
2020 97.4%
2019 97.5%

1) Local suppliers are defined as suppliers with their registered office in the EU. The main places of business are Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen and Leipzig.

Percentage degree of fulfilment of highest quality standards based on purchasing volume1)

2021 status 69.0%
2030 target 90.0%

1) The degree of fulfilment is the purchasing volume of the direct suppliers of production materials who were in the top ­assessment category in the S-rating divided by the total purchasing volume of all the direct suppliers of production materials assessed in the S-rating.

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Consumption data

911 Turbo

  • 12.3 – 12.0 l/100 km
  • 279 – 271 g/km
  • G Class
  • G Class

911 Turbo

Fuel consumption* / Emissions*
Fuel consumption* combined (WLTP) 12.3 – 12.0 l/100 km
CO₂ emissions* combined (WLTP) 279 – 271 g/km
CO₂ class G
CO₂ class weighted combined G